Migration and Family Workshop
Second Edition
Paris - La Défense
June 19-20 2023
For our second edition, we have the great honor to welcome three keynote speakers: Martha Bailey (UCLA), David Mc Kenzie (World Bank) and Christian Dustmann (University College London) as well as three distinguished speakers: Patricia Cortés (Boston University), Anne Hannusch (University of Mannheim) and Guillaume Blanc (University of Manchester).
Two poster sessions for young economists (PhD students and young doctors) will be organized along the workshop. We invite submissions until March 31st. Funding requests for travel and accommodation can be addressed to the organization committee over submission, only papers (even not fully polished) can be submitted. Please find the complete call for papers below.
Participation is free but registration is compulsory, a registration link will arrive soon. The workshop will be held at the IESEG School of Management in Paris-La Défense in Building La Promenade.